John Milbank - de bortglömda ordens riddare. Denna gång var det väldigt lite krångliga ord. Tack till John och Gud för det. Det gick nästa att läsa oavbruten text flera stycken åt gången!
emit a sound; "bells and gongs chimed"
preparatory: preceding and preparing for something; "preparatory steps"
calumniatory: (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign
defame: charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
the most powerful members of a society
aper - copycat: someone who copies the words or behavior of another
a communication that belittles somebody or something
the act of speaking contemptuously of
express strong disapproval of; "We deplore the government's treatment of political prisoners"
regret strongly; "I deplore this hostile action"; "we lamented the loss of benefits"
derogative: expressive of low opinion
Raison d'etre
Raison d'être /ʁɛzɔ̃ dɛtʁ/ is a phrase borrowed from French where it means "reason for being"; in English use, it also comes to suggest an intense emotional attraction to a course of action, such as "Not money, but love of sport, is his raison d'être to be an athlete."
the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior
a show of disdain and superiority in which the condescending person patronizes, or considers himself superior and "descends" to the level of, the disdained person.
disparagement: a communication that belittles somebody or something
To take away or detract from; To act in a manner below oneself; to go astray; To belittle; disparage; debased
adopt: choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans
bridal: archaic terms for a wedding or wedding feast
To become/get married to; To accept, support, or take on as one’s own (an idea or a cause)
occurring or changing along with time
Samlade citat från artikeln
"Life is "psychogeographical." (Milbank 2009, s. 102)
"Hence theology cannot evade the question of its attitude to received economic wisdom. To do so would be to accept a fact/value dualism that is itself an outcome of a modern, "liberal scientific" approach to society." (Milbank 2009, s. 82)
"The shortest route to unraveling the problem of theology and economics is to become aware of this [affinites between modern scientific approach to politics and economics and the fideist-nominalist-voluntarist theologies] history." (Milbank 2009, s. 82)
"Political economy came to an end and was replaced by a "economics," a discipline which confined itself to purely technical descriptions of the operations of the market place, and no longer sought to comprehend how these were interconnected with social organization." (Milbank 2009, s. 84)
"[F]rom a Christian perspective, Marx's theory of value can be seen as part of an exposure of the heretical and one-sided character of the liberal version of human creativity." (Milbank 2009, s. 85)
"[O]nce one has abandoned fact/value distinctions and scheme/content dualism (i.e., bondage to Kant) then there is no substantive social matter that may not be decisive for one's overall theology, and no substative social theory that may not become part of (though perhaps in transmuted form) of that theology." (Milbank 2009, s. 85)
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